How to read the ranking results?
The ranking classifies producers in a specific product category in a given order: from the one offering the best general terms of co-operation for the local store channel (first place) to the one treating the said channel the least fairly (last place). The ranking shows suppliers who account for at least 90% of sales in a particular category. At least five suppliers are included, with 10 set as the maximum.
The assessment of the general co-operation terms is impacted by the following: the manufacturer's pricing and distribution strategy, and the share of products dedicated to discount chains and supermarkets (i.e. products that the consumer will not find anywhere else) in total sales.
How is the Equality in Business Ranking prepared?
The final manufacturer rating in the ranking covers the following:
Market share
Dedicated products (SKUs)
Contribution to growth
Calculations based on available Nielsen data. Data for the last 12 months preceding the drafting of the report versus the corresponding period in the year before in Discount stores, Supermarkets and in Small Format stores (including grocery stores, wine and confectionery stores, and kiosks); for the following factual data: price per unit, numerical sales distribution, share of sales in terms of value in the category, channel contribution to the growth of the manufacturer's sales value, share of sales value in the category and producer's assortment.
Results of the Equality in Business Ranking