About Akademia Umiejętności Eurocash
The objective of Akademia Umiejętności Eurocash is to raise the competitiveness and profitability of local stores based on four pillars:

Educational platform
A modern, interactive e-learning platform featuring dozens of courses, also available in Ukrainian. The courses cover all areas of a store's operations – from financials, personnel and fresh foods management to client service and merchandising. The platform provides access to specialised and expert-level knowledge pertaining to modern store management, which is available at any place and time in the form of articles, e-training conducted through videos and webinars, i.e. meetings with experts on-line.

In-person workshops
Workshops are conducted by coaches-practitioners with many years of experience in trade, both in training rooms or on-site in retail outlets throughout Poland. During the training, the participants – store owners and employees – perfect their practical skills thanks to the wide range of workshop subjects allowing them to improve both hard skills in managing the store and its departments, as well as to develop soft interpersonal skills.

Educational conferences
The aim of this pillar is to expand knowledge and bring inspiration to independent entrepreneurs in the form of the latest trade solutions. Kongres Przedsiębiorców Polskiego Handlu welcomes thousands of local shop owners and their employees as participants every September. It is an opportunity to exchange experiences, meet respected experts, get to know the latest trends in trade and gain knowledge helpful in everyday store management.

Postgraduate studies
Since 2017, Akademia Umiejętności Eurocash has been working with the Warsaw School of Economics to conduct the first postgraduate studies in Poland intended for grocery store owners: “Business management in retail”. These studies, unique on a national scale, provide education in entrepreneurship and managing a retail facility.
Academy recognised with a certificate
Akademia Umiejętności Eurocash is certified (ISO 9001:2015) in the implementation of training and development and consulting services via e-learning platform, conferences, workshops, webinars, courses, as well as educational services in secondary schools and as part of cooperation with postgraduate study organizers. Since 2018, the Academy has also expanded the scope of its activities with a training programme for students of vocational schools under the auspices of the Education Development Centre.

Akademia Umiejętności Eurocash is running a project to promote the professions of salesperson and warehouse technician-logistics officer in trade schools, as well as sales technician and logistics technician in technical schools, all under the Honorary Patronage of the Education Development Centre.
Since 2019, by way of the decision of the Minister of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Akademia Umiejętności Eurocash is a Certifying Institution within the Integrated Qualifications System for the qualification: “Customer service and sales at a point of sale – seller”. Since 2020, the Academy has been conducting a pedagogical course for practical vocational training instructors. The programme was approved by the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship Education Superintendent.